Y4 Autumn 2 2023
Topic 2: Colours of India
For the second part of the Autumn term, we’ll be learning about life in India. This will cover the following areas:
- Where is India?
- Looking at maps to identify counties surrounding the country, as well as the landscape of India.
- What is the weather like in India?
- How is life different for rich and poor people?
- The major religions in India
- Food tasting
The children will be exploring the texts, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling and Into the Jungle by Katherine Rundell. They will create their own adventure stories for Mowgli along with illustrations. These will then be published into our own class book for other year groups to read.
Poetry this half-term will be based on Wild Worlds by Angela McAllister and will involve the children writing their own poem about different habitats, which they'll perform in assembly.
- Measure - understanding what area is, counting squares to calculate the area, make shapes with a certain area and comparing areas.
- Multiplication and division - knowing all tables facts to 12 x 12 from memory and using these to work out division facts e.g. if 7x8=56, then 56÷8=7. Before multiplying 3 numbers together.
Understanding the Human and Physical geography of India using a range of resources.
The children will be building on their stop-motion animation learning from last year, to produce a short stop-motion animation.
Design and make cards to celebrate different occasions. The focus will be on learning about Levers and Linkages in order to construct moving parts within the cards.
Design, collage and print an image inspired by artist Ratish Sharma
Creating Indian music using drones, rhythms and melodies.
The Magi - The Christmas Story
Drug, alcohol and tobacco education and making choices.
Indoor PE - Indian dance including a dance workshop.
Outdoor games - Netball