YR Autumn Term 2024
Our Year R teachers are Miss Hutchins in Hedgehogs and Miss King in Rabbits.
Autumn Term in Reception
Our classrooms are run together as a unit where the children can access the resources in both the indoor and outside areas. In Reception the learning is driven by the children's interests and we incorporate their areas of learning within this as well as a variety of experiences to support them. We visit the Woodland Walk every Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing in school, e.g. a waterproof coat and wellington boots.
This term we will be learning and practising some of the following skills:
Communication and Language: We will be learning to:
Listen in a group
Follow instructions
Explain our ideas
We introduce the children to our school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience, and encourage the children to think about these in their learning.
Belonging: We will be thinking about ways to keep ourselves safe in school and thinking of ways to be kind to others.
Enjoying: We will be learning about how to be a good friend by inviting others to join in our games and sharing.
Succeeding: We will be learning to say what we are good at and think of things we would like to get better at. We will be learning to make good choices about how to use our learning time.
Trying: We will be learning to try new challenges and thinking of ways to help ourselves if we get stuck.
Physical Development
After half term, we will have indoor PE every Friday.
We do Fidgety Fingers every day to help improve our fine motor skills.
We have access to a variety of equipment in our Reception outdoor area to help strengthen our muscles and improve our spatial awareness, including: wheeled vehicles and giant construction.
Literacy: Reading We will be learning to:
Listen to and enjoy stories in class
Say what we enjoyed about a story.
After half term we will begin to send children home with wordless books for you to share at home. Children will have the opportunity to change books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Once reading diaries have been handed out, they will be checked on Mondays to check for comments and to award house points. Reading books will be issued once children have settled into school. Please continue to share stories as often as possible at home.
We have daily phonics sessions which follows a systematic synthetic phonics programme to support their learning. There will be a phonics information session for you, which you will receive further communication about.
Literacy: Writing We will be learning to:
Hold our pencils correctly
Form our letters correctly
Learning to write our names
Say and write the first sound in a word, e.g. p for pig
Write simple words by segmenting the sounds in them, e.g. split cat into c-a-t
Spell some common words correctly
Use finger spaces to separate words
Maths: We will be learning to:
Subitise small amounts (say how many there are without counting)
Count with 1:1 correspondence (one object at a time)
Understand the size of numbers
Compare amounts
Name shapes
Understanding the World
We will practise describing changes we see.
Naming and describing people familiar to them
Exploring the natural world around them
We will be learning about:
- Special people in our lives
- Christmas
Expressive Arts and Design
Build on any previous learning
Learn how to use the different resources in the classrooms effectively
Practise different joins of materials
Sing in a group
Share ideas