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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y6 Autumn 2 2023

Topic 2: ‘Crime and Punishment'

History: Looking at how Crime and Punishment has changed over the past 1,000 years.  On the 15 December, we have a trip to Oxford Castle and the prison.  Once we have costs back for the coach, we will send you a letter with the costs and details.  

History Key Questions:

  • How were criminals punished 800 years ago, and how do we know?
  • What does the legend of Robin Hood tell us about mediaeval justice?
  • How did crimes and punishments change between 1500 and 1750?
  • Why did punishments become so bloody in the 18th century?
  • Why did so much change happen in the 19th century?
  • Has the way we catch and punish criminals improved that much in the last 100 years?


  • We will be reading 'Holes', by Louis Sacher
  • Using persuasive devices - writing a letter to persuade the judge not to send Stanley to prison, writing a Rashomon telling the story of 'Three Little Pigs' from multiple perspectives, for a judge and jury to determine the truth. 
  • Narrative writing - writing the next Chapter of 'Holes', integrating dialogue to move the action on


  • Fractions and decimals
  • Converting Units

Science - Electricity:

  • Completing and repairing circuits, identifying why a circuit may not be working
  • Investigating the impact of voltage on the brightness of a bulb
  • Drawing circuit diagrams


  • E-safety – privacy, security and risk online
  • Learning to program in Crumble

DT: Using electronics with switches to create electronics games

Music: Film music

PE: Invasion games - Hockey and Gymnastics

PSHE: Human Rights - A safe place to live  and Identity, Society and Equality

RE:  An Extraordinary Baby - Incarnation